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Triss Merigold

Name: Triss Merigold




Height: 5'6"

Weight: 130 lbs.


Race: Human

Profession: Sorceress, Council Member

Affiliation: Council, Geralt

Abilities: Magic

Birthday: Unknown



Gender: Female


Hair Color: Firey Red [Natural]

Hair Style: She tends to keep her hair either up or down, it wavers. But the way she keeps it is in a sort of free/loose style. Well taken care of, and very soft to the touch.

Eye Color: Green Eyes


Skin Color: Peachy white

Scars: None that are noticable. 

Mental Alignment:  Justified Good


Weapons: Her Spells are her main weapons, if not that, then a hidden dagger she has can work just as well.

Past times: Freedom to do what she wants, teaching Ciri Elder speech, and helping everyone out around Kaer Morhen.


Clothing Detail: Slim fitting, low neckline corset made out of leather. 

Additional Items: Coin Purse, Satchel for Items, Extra Rope, Metals for crafting.

Pets: None.



  Seemingly can be jealous at times [Especially when it concerns Yennerfer and Geralt] She still chooses to be Yen's best friend, and fellow Sorceress at all times. She does still love Geralt, but has chosen to attempt to forget the feelings they once had for each other, in order to focus more on helping to save Ciri. Which she would willingly throw herself into her own fire to help the young girl, whom she feel is much like a younger sister.


  Triss Merigold of Maribor is a sorceress. She is called the "Fourteenth of the Hill" because she was believed to have been killed during the Battle of Sodden Hill. She is a friend of Yennefer and witcher Geralt of Rivia, and is unhappily in love with the latter. She took care of Ciri at Kaer Morhen for some time and is like an older sister to her. It was through her intervention that Ciri was not inadvertently given harmful hormones which might have negatively impacted her "womanly assets". She was a member of King Foltest's royal council along with Fercart and Keira Metz, as well as a founding member of the Lodge of Sorceresses.

  She is a skilled healer and carries with her many magical potions, but she never uses them on herself because she is allergic to magical elixirs and potions. She is also quite a powerful mage, certainly when it counts most. To counteract the effects of elixers on herself, she uses the amulets she often has laying around. Always carrying a box full of her hand made potions, the amulets can often be found in there as well as on herself at all times. 


  After the events at Loc Muinne Triss and Geralt (whom had now regained this memory) separated. Triss decided to go to Novigrad which many mages believed to be a save haven and set up a shop in the city center. However, theEternal Fire religion in the city declared all mages to be witches and traitor and began arresting and murdering them. Triss was forced to seek protection of The King of Beggars to whom she paid 80% of her earnings towards whilst attempting to gain enough money to escape the city with her fellow mages. Geralt upon arriving at the city found Triss with the King of Beggars and assisted her on ridding a rat infestion in a mill. The Mill owner however, had sold her out to the witch hunters, and if not for the efforts of Geralt, Triss would have been captured.

  Triss then helped Geralt discover the location of Dandelion in order to ultimately find Ciri, by allowing herself to be taken to the witch hunters and tortured whilst Geralt gained the information. Ultimately, she kills her torturers before killing their leader Menge.


Profile Created by Miranda

Character Rights are Owned by their Respective Company [CD Projekt RED]

And their Author Andrzej Sapkowski

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