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Letho of Gulet

Name: Letho

Aliases: Letho of Gulet, Kingslayer

Age: Late twenties to Mid thirties


Height: 6'1"

Weight: 280Lbs.


Race: Witcher

Profession: Mercanary, Hunter, Witcher

Affiliation: School of the Viper.


Abilities: Witcher stuffs.

Birthyear: Unknown

Birthplace: Temeria

Gender: Male


Hair Color: Brunette where seen.

Hair Style: Bald

Facial Hair: Nine o'clock shadow.


Eye Color:  Cats Eye, Golden Yellow.

Skin Color: Tanned, usually dirty.

Scars: One atop of his head, slicing all the way over the cranium. A small one over his lip and right eye. Dozens of others across the whole body.


Voice: Lower-Alto, not as deep as Geralts but close.

Accent: About the same as a Novigrad accent.

Mental Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Weapons: Two Swords. One silver, One Steel.

Additional Items: His School of the Viper medallion is usually hidden. Also has bags hidden in the large armor he wears, filled with the normal potions and oils for a witcher. 

Clothing Details: Usually wears hardened leather, along with soft cotton underneith. Chainmail armor for added protection, and easier movements. Its normal garb of the time. More times than not it has a hodded portion, mainly so he can stay out of peoples sight. 


Pastimes: You know, Killing kings, Mercenary work, stabbing people to death, taking candy from children.

Pets: Horse.



There is no way to describe his personality. Cold, calculative, gruff. He's seasoned, will sometimes do the right thing, but mainly doesn't seem to want to do anything, but shit that will help himself. Though him taking part in helping defeat the hunt, seemed to have gained him a bit more trust with Geralt. Not much though. Vernon still hates him. [Well, that is if you didn't kill him in the second game <3]


Not much is known about his backstory, other than the Journal Entry Dandelion had Provided:


   "Disguised as a blind monk, the mysterious assassin took Geralt by surprise. Displaying immense self-control and lightning reflexes — not to mention a talent for acting — he murdered the king before the witcher's very eyes. He then leapt out the window of the solar before Geralt could grab him. Surviving the fall unharmed, the assassin fled with the aid of some Scoia'tael.

  The information in Vernon Roche's possession served to confirm what Geralt had witnessed. A man matching the kingslayer's description had been seen in the company ofScoia'tael near the trading post of Flotsam. Finding him seemed like the witcher's only chance.

The mysterious individual now had a name. It appeared that this Letho, whoever he might be, was playing his own game — one in which the Scoia'tael had become an impediment. Yet his ultimate objective remained a mystery to Geralt.

  Letho had indeed been working with the Squirrels, doing their wet work for them. Geralt would soon learn the answers to many more questions.

In the ruins of the elven bath, Geralt and the mysterious assassin stood eye to eye a second time. Geralt was surprised by what he learned. Letho of Gulet had been a witcher! What is more, there were other kingslayers, and they and Letho had worked together to assassinate the two dead northern monarchs. The witcher and the assassin were also no strangers — in fact, Geralt had once saved Letho's life. Their discussion ended abruptly as arrows whistled through the air and swords clashed. Letho demonstrated his strength and skills by beating Geralt black and blue. Before leaving, he announced that he was on his way to Aedirn.

  The kingslayer proved true to his word and kidnapped Triss, wounding Cedric mortally in the process. He forced the sorceress to aid him by teleporting them both to Aedirn.

  The magic sent Geralt a vision and gave us another bit of information. Letho had been in the area earlier and had ordered his accomplices to assassinate King Henselt. The kingslayers had been working with Síle de Tansarville, but, just as with Iorveth, their paths had diverged. Whatever finale would conclude this story, Letho claimed it would take place in Loc Muinne.

  I listened to the rest of the tale with bated breath. Led to the summit by Nilfgaardian envoys, Letho publicly accused the sorcerers of commissioning the assassinations of the northern monarchs.

  The kingslayer's intricate plan was revealed too late. Letho had been working for the Nilfgaardian Empire from the very beginning — his mission, to seed chaos before the Black Ones embarked upon a new war. Taking advantage of the ambitions of the Lodge of Sorceresses, its contacts and financial means — not to mention the support of the oblivious Scoia'tael partisans — Letho had eliminated two of the Nordlings' most important monarchs, plunging their realms into chaos.

  On top of that, he had thrown suspicion on the sorcerers, who were just regaining their standing. Thus was the force which had stopped Nilfgaard at the Sodden dealt a truly shattering blow.

  Now Geralt had only to confront the kingslayer himself, so that the man could confirm or deny the witcher's suspicions. Only Letho knew the truth of the backroom intrigue which had left the north running with the blood of kings. Now I shall tell you about their final meeting, and its conclusion..."

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